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[headsubline subline=”Owner”]Amy Yao[/headsubline]
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[dropcap]A[/dropcap]my Yao is a self-taught graphic designer and plastic surgery resident physician in NYC. She likes backpacking, sushi, skiing, Jeopardy!, and her miniature schnauzer, Nicky.
[headline]Things I Did[/headline]
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[tbicon icon=’icon-keyboard’] I blogged for the College section of The Huffington Post. One of my articles was featured in the October 2012 issue of Rowing magazine.
[tbicon icon=’icon-graduation-cap’] I’ve also written for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)’s Aspiring Docs feature and Accepted.com.
[tbicon icon=’icon-pencil’] I was published in Hippocampus Magazine, a creative nonfiction journal. I’ve also written for College Tourist and NPR’s This I Believe.
[headline]Read More[/headline]
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[button link=”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=amy+yao%5Bauthor%5D” target=”_self” color=”green”]PubMed[/button]
Here are my medical publications, which is probably not what you’re here for.
[button link=”http://collegefashion.net/author/amy” target=”_self” color=”pink”]CollegeFashion[/button]
I was the resident interior design blogger at CollegeFashion, rated in the top 50 most influential style blogs in the world.
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[headline]Get in touch![/headline]
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Drop me a line here.
[tbicon icon=’icon-mail’] amy@amyyaodesign.com
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